The website is increasingly becoming an indispensable marketing tool for most businesses. If you are doing business online, your website has the potential to become the biggest asset and the focus of your marketing efforts. However, technology changes quickly can make your website old and outdated, although you have many ideas to redesign your website you do not have time or money to invest. So, you need to know some useful ways to improve your website.

First of all, you have to constantly update and improve the speed of your website. One of the most difficult experiences that users have when accessing the web is that it takes too long to load a website. With the proliferation of mobile devices, users access to content around the world on a variety of platforms. No matter what website they visit, they always expect quick results for the content they are looking for. When they have to wait a long time, they often leave the site. A slow-loading page is an experience that interrupts a user’s web surfing and can be frustrating for what they expect of your website. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to this issue. First of all, you need to know how fast your page loads. Google will provide you with a free service where you can get information about your site’s loading speed: PageSpeed Insights. Accordingly, Google will also provide you with some suggestions to improve page load time on mobile and desktop platforms.

The second way to develop your website is to track constantly your site operation and fix a 404 error (page not found). A website that often links to 404 pages will interrupt the visitor’s information process, which greatly affects the user experience. To check if the website has many links to 404 pages, you can set up in the Google Webmaster tool on the website and check for these errors. Typically, when users access a website, if it appears 404 error, they will think that this is a bad site or it contains a lot of viruses, so they can open it. This will lead to the image of the website and the reputation of your company are influenced.

After the 404 error, the next condition for a website to have a good user experience is to be mobile friendly and display well on the types of screens that users are using. Now people access your website not only on computers but also through phones and tablets. Therefore, it is imperative that your design is responsive to display well on all types of screens and developers need to take measures to optimize the website on mobile devices. Google has once stated to website design companies that its website-friendliness will be considered as one of the main factors ranking websites on Google search. If you are not sure whether your website has been optimized for mobile or not, you can use this free tool.

Next, designers need to be consistent with the whole website. Consistency of the website will help visitors to recognize your brand easily. Consistency means making things consistent and consistent with each other: spacing, font, size, color, button layout, etc. All layouts should be designed to sticking to the original topic, which helps the website become coherent, unified and create its mark. To provide your users with a good experience when they visit your site, they must know they are still on your site. A sudden change of design from page to page can lead to frustration and loss of trust in your site.

Each website has a separate menu or a category of content-driven sites. Designing a short, clear menu will make a good impression on customers. Menu titles on your website are how you direct users to the pages you want. The pages may be product pages, project projects or a form for them to provide information. The words should be used briefly, easy to understand, especially for first-time visitors to the website. It should not have too many options because it will make customers confused about where to start. The ideal number ranges from three to seven items. Besides, your customers are accustomed to visually determining what content is important to them. The call to action will be marked and will help to adjust your site to where they want to go. In creating buttons for websites, you should think about the colors and the psychology of each color. Because different colors will evoke different messages. Think about the message you evoke for the majority of your target audience and choose the button colors wisely and appropriately.

Finally, you need to use real images in a smart way for your site. Users are getting smarter at evaluating business websites. When you visit the website, if they find your site has images that are updated very much on the Internet or those images are not yours, they will underestimate the credibility and trust. You should use your real images to affirm your reputation as well as convey your brand of products, services, and businesses to customers.