
Getting the message across is the highest priority for any digital presence, and USER understands that websites and portals work best when they are optimised for the audiences they are targeting. For communications and media needs, USER’s expertise as a research and website development agency helps businesses and organisations ramp up views, engagements, and ultimately, conversions. USER has helped many companies in creating and optimising their websites and portals enabling them to significantly grow their presence in the web, whether they are media entities or businesses looking to broaden their communications with customers.

Experts at USER employ a combination of services to achieve desired results: from Technical and Content Audit to User Research and UX Research, to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. They gauge various aspects of website or app performance as well as content readability, search-friendliness, and the entire user journey to find the best way to keep user’s attention or get new visitors with an intuitive interface and easy-to-digest content.

Using technology solutions for Communications and Media

Case Study – Helping a Civil Works Agency with Communications Needs

Highly technical or industrial organisations such as Construction and Civil Works are often difficult to relate to for the average person. To improve visitor experience in their website, a Public Works Agency took the initiative to communicate its mandate and services better with a comprehensive study and portal update. The Agency wanted to optimise its content to align better with more audiences and streamline its structure to be more resource-efficient and thoroughly satisfy the information demand of various user groups.  

Refining content with a deep dive 

Together with our public sector partner, USER defined visitor preferences through user personas and journeys to revamp and streamline content, simplifying the user journey and improving their web portal’s performance through a comprehensive research, design, and deployment process.

The team submitted reports and best practice guidelines on how the Public Works Agency can help professionals, corporate entities, and even everyday visitors learn about their works and services through the portal. The improved navigation, interface, and content made searching for information more efficient for users and understand content easier. 

Bigger, better avenues of communication 

  • Improved page readability: 

The resulting website improvements from USER’s recommendations enhanced the content’s readability, making information much easier to digest for more user groups.  

  • Enhanced navigation technical performance: 

With the suggested enhancements the Agency’s team reworked their website’s key pages, front- and backend content, and interaction points. This addressed issues such as broken or dead links, made downloadable items more visible, and raised technical performance. 

  • Better searchability: 

By providing appropriate keywords and suggesting best practices for content, USER’s team helped the Agency improve the website’s searchability, helping them reach more users.