
Modern developments in public service worldwide came into being largely thanks to user experience becoming a priority for decision-makers. In line with this, USER’s services for many public institutions – from government services to healthcare and education – has produced seamless experiences and services enjoyed by public service agency administrators, their personnel, and people in general. The USER team of in-house experts successfully helped in developing administrative platforms, organisation-wide systems for management to help reduce manpower needs, enhance payment transactions and record-keeping, and even developed AI-powered learning apps for various levels of learners for educational institutions.

USER is fully committed to helping public service agencies around the world with comprehensive UX research efforts to gain insightful data for decision-makers, UI/UX design, testing, and development to serve end-users. and partial or full solutions using Agile development methodologies.

User experience, picture of happy Asian Singaporean family

Case Study – Creating Seamless User Experiences for a Public Service Agency

Enhancing one’s value through additional education is a significant aspect for most adults in Singapore. A certain Public Service Agency helps them achieve this by offering paths to upgrading their skillsets and guiding them through their website. However, people will of course have different needs and preferences, and education portals are not always optimized for these differing needs from the get-go. This can result in many users finding it difficult to search for specific content or courses or complete their journey in an optimum length of time.

Moulding user journeys through personas

The agency’s aim was to create a seamless experience for their informational website, which will also host select content from their joint corporate website and ensure that users get all the information they need in the most convenient, reliable, and quickest possible ways.

Together with our public sector partner, USER defined visitor preferences through user personas and journeys to revamp and streamline content, simplifying the user journey and improving their web portal’s performance through a comprehensive research, design, and deployment process.

Enhanced journeys leading to success

The resulting website resulted in an enhanced and smoother experience for various users, increasing user satisfaction and making connections between potential learners and skills training providers easier to establish.

  • Improved UX:

The website’s user experience saw a substantial improvement. USER’s approach resulted in a smoother information flow and a refined layout of visual elements, contributing to an overall positive user experience.

  • Ease of Access and Navigation:

The redesign provided users with improved ease of access, enhanced navigation, and signposting to relevant information, resources, or other portals according to the prescribed user personas.