the user experience is crucial in order to have a company survive in today’s world where competition is high. When looking at a website, it is important to note how exactly a customer uses it. Even if you have a great product or service, if a customer cannot operate the website or is uninterested, there won’t be business.  How does one improve the user experience for their website?

Well, a lot of it has to do with the design of the website. Make sure it is unique and true to the message of the brand. Having designs allows a website to feel personal while also conveying the message you are trying to deliver. Additionally, do not forget the navigation of the website. The organization of tabs and other links is important to how easy the website is to use, and if it is too complicated or too simple, it runs the risk of not having a friendly UX.  You have to do your research to make sure others are not doing the same designs as you already, but by having a strong design team, the website has potential to have a great user experience.