From social media and educational applications to productivity apps and others, a wide array of mobile apps found their way to the leading app stores today. However, only a handful of these became successful, while many barely got the attention of their target audience.

The apps that did well in the market have one thing in common: exceptional value. This value is brought about by pleasing aesthetics and user-friendly features due to high quality user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design.

With this in mind, it’s highly recommended to hire a reliable UI UX designer for your company’s mobile app to have a better chance of succeeding.

While the UX designer focuses on the interaction or user’s experience when interacting with the application, the UI designer is responsible for making apps look inviting and feel great when in use.

These factors are essential for the success of apps since many users are likely to stop using products that fail to provide a positive experience. According to Google’s Micro-Moments Report, only 9% of all mobile app users are willing to continue using the mobile site and app if it has problematic performance. It means that the rest usually “park” or uninstall the app if it performs negatively.

Still, not all business owners know the importance of hiring UI/UX designers for mobile app development. If your company wants to release a mobile app product, here is everything you need to know about the roles that these experts play in mobile app creation.


Understanding UI/UX Design

User Interface

The UI is one of the most critical parts of the mobile application development and design process. These professionals are responsible for the way apps look and feel, which may also depend on the operating system they’re building the product for.

For example, an Android UI designer needs to comply with the Android Material Design guidelines to ensure that the app they will create suits the new large screen requirements of the mobile operating system for today’s larger smartphones and tablets.

On the other hand, UI designers for other mobile operating systems can create a single design that appears perfect for devices of different sizes. UI design also includes factors such as element placement and functions, load speed, and other factors tied to the system where users interact with the product.

User Experience

If the UI revolves around the aesthetics of a mobile app or digital product, UX determines the user’s opinion on how they feel about it. This factor can greatly affect the market’s impression of the business or brand.

UX includes all the components of the user’s transactions and interactions with the app. If you have an efficient UX designer in your team, it can boost overall user satisfaction. Experts in this field are also skilled in enhancing usability and simplifying the functions of the product.

Certain sub-roles, like UX researchers, will also spend time understanding the pulse of the market by using various usability research methods like focus group research.


Reasons Why Effective UI/UX Design is Necessary for Mobile App Development

All app owners need to work with talented and qualified UI/UX designers to achieve the product that their users will enjoy using. While it can be challenging for decision-makers and recruiters to find the best person to fulfil the duties and responsibilities that every application designer must perform, these reasons should inspire you enough to pick only the best candidates:


#1: Improve ROI due to better customer satisfaction

A well-executed design is engaging and easy to navigate, and therefore enjoyable to use. When users are satisfied with the app that you launch for various types of people, they will recommend it to others. As a result, it will increase the number of customers who will patronise and become loyal to your business. Their repeated transactions will lead to an increase in your company’s profits and value.


#2: Helps Build Your Brand Image

Since a competent UI/UX design can satisfy your customers, anyone who will use your mobile apps will be pleased to be associated with your brand. They can identify the features users want to upgrade, which will prompt you to invest in these changes to make your app better. It will improve your credibility thanks to customers forming a stronger relationship with your brand. It will help improve your public image and make your brand trustworthy for both consumers and partner businesses alike.


#3: Helps Save Time and Resources

Investing in competitive UI and UX designers helps you reduce the risk of encountering problems in your digital products. If you have a good product, you will lessen the need for constant fixes and updates. It will ultimately save the time and money that you usually allocate for upgrading features or investing in new products.



Hiring the best UI and UX designers will highly benefit your business. These professionals will help you launch the most reliable digital products your target users would enjoy. User Experience Researchers, a UI UX design agency based in Singapore, can help businesses and organisations achieve their goals with exceptional user-centric design. You may learn more about our UI UX designer services by inquiring at