Deciding upon UX

Understanding user experience contributes as a driving factor towards pulling customers in and keeping them engaged, eventually leading to increase in sales. User Experience differs from brand to brand or market to market, but the factors which influence businesses’ decision for acquiring UX remain the same. By learning about the five factors which influence user experience, one could understand what makes UX important, and possibly improve the user experience of one’s own product or service.


Product Functionality. 

The first factor is how useful one’s product or service is. If the product or service lacks usefulness or does not serve a specific purpose, there is a high chance that no one will use or buy it. It disables the whole point of going through the process to create buzz online. Making sure a product or service serves its purpose, it is ideal to base off the user experience to the functions of the good. This is the most important factor, simply because without the product’s usefulness, nothing else will matter.



Once one finds his/her idea useful enough to be launched, he/she needs to make sure that people could access it anytime, anywhere. If one has an amazing product or service, but no one could find it, that product/service will likely fail and not generate any sales. This is where the marketing side of UX comes into play. By marketing a product or service, it will be easier for people to be kept posted, and become compelled to purchase it, whether online or offline, whichever is applicable and appropriate.



Enticing customers is the first step to be able to give them access, or the other way around. Finding about the product, its usefulness and appeal to market, is the step to lead the customer through. Making the customer compelled to buy the product or avail the service comes next. Companies achieve this through different forms of advertisement, and by connecting with their market audience. If your consumers find the product or service to have that “Wow, I need this!” factor, then they will be encouraged to buy and tell others to buy as well.

Gaining the customers’ trust is the next factor of UX as people can be skeptical of a company if they do not present themselves correctly. Nowadays, the internet is filled with scams and people have become aware of this. Not many people put their full trust in a brand right away, as it normally takes time to gain it. By having a well-built website and reviews from previous customers, people will be less hesitant to think one is a scam, and might identify that brand as a reliable one as it provides convenience on its site. Legitimizing your brand and company is a huge step to help build influx in sales.



The last factor that affects User Experience is the value of the product or service. To have a good user experience, one’s product must hold value for the customers and the business as a whole. If the product or service does not create a significant increase in sales or does not seem to be a remarkable brand for the market and the business, one might need to rethink about the brand and the UX it needs. This is why it is important to make sure one’s product has a purpose and people will find value in buying or investing in them.


Switch to Digital

Deciding upon a product or service builds the foundation of sales and growth of the company. Keeping the brand service and vision in tact as marketing keeps on pulling off activities for these, most likely, success could be achieved. In line with this success in vision and business goals, user experience is of big help and could greatly impact through the years to come. Going digital is one big leap towards business growth.