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Photo Credit: The Straits Times

Singapore has gained itself the third spot on yet another top ten list with a new ranking coming from Newsweek magazine. Posted on Thursday, Newsweek magazine ranked the top ten hospitals in the world and respectively found Singapore General Hospital to be the third best in the world. Newsweek compiled the list with the help of medical professionals, administrators in four continents, and a panel of doctors.

Ranked behind the two American hospitals Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic, Singapore General Hospital received a high rank due to its clinical research and outstanding nursing. Newsweek also added that SGH “provides affordable care for patients, leads patient-driven clinical research and provides undergraduate to postgraduate educational training for both students and medical professionals.”

The Top Ten Hospitals in the World list goes as followed:

  1.  Mayo Clinic (US)
  2. Cleveland Clinic (US)
  3. Singapore General Hospital (Singapore)
  4. John Hopkins Hospital (US)
  5. Charite (Germany)
  6. Massachusetts General Hospital (US)
  7. Toronto General Hospital (Canada)
  8. The University of Tokyo Hospital (Japan)
  9. Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland)
  10. Sheba Medical Centre (Israel)

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Photo Credit: Art

This ranking appraises SGH for all of its amazing work and Singapore is fortunate to have one of the best hospitals in the world. Professor Kenneth Kwek, CEO of Singapore General Hospital, commented on the new list saying: “We are humbled to be recognized for our medical and nursing care.” Maybe next year, SGH could climb even higher on the list as they work to improve their already spectacular hospital.