As the world moves further into the digital age, the need for quality-of-life improvements is rising too. There are several factors affecting one’s quality of life – these include finances, education, governance, economic security, and, more importantly, healthcare. Usability testing is just one way to assure how technology can help meet the demands of each individual, particularly in the medical field.

In this article, we will answer what healthcare usability testing is, why it’s needed, and how can it help healthcare management in the medical industry.


The Problem: The Lack of Usability Testing Leads to Medical Negligence

In a study conducted in the United States, heart disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease are the top three causes of death respectively. However, the contribution of medical errors committed while treating patients weren’t accounted for in this data.

If medical errors are to be considered as a separate cause of death, then it would rank third on the list. Systems problems, underutilised medical safety nets, poor care coordination, and negligence of health protocols are only a few of the different circumstances that affect the risk of committing medical-related errors.

For them to be taken into account as one of the primary causes of death, despite not being a disease or illness, reflects how much we need usability testing for medical devices, products, and services.

The Solution: How Can Usability Testing Restructure the Healthcare System


The Solution: How Can Usability Testing Restructure the Healthcare System

The previously mentioned causes of medical errors could have been avoided if usability testing was implemented accordingly. By assessing the functions and evaluating the efficacy of devices, products, or services, we are reducing risks and preparing for possible issues along the way. That said, usability testing is more than just a stage in the process of product-building because it also promotes conceptualising user-centred design that prioritises and cares for the preferences and convenience of end-users.

The need for effective usability testing has always been there since technology started contributing to medical science. Who would not want a user-tailored service, right? Today, we see how big of an impact it is making as it helps save countless lives worldwide.

In the medical field, the interaction of health information technology and its users is highly dependent on usability. For a device, product, or service to be considered usable and functional, they must consider the target’s perception of its effectiveness, efficiency, user satisfaction, and risks for possible errors.

In a research conducted in 2010, a group of medical researchers examined the importance of usability testing and presented how it improved the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system based on the efficiency, functionality, and overall satisfaction of users or the health care providers and organisations.

Moreover, usability testing can affect healthcare product development. If a medical device has a high usability rate, it can significantly lessen the chances of misuse and therefore, eliminate excessive risk in broader use.

Another study by John Sandar of the University of Leeds and his team explored the benefit of usability testing. This time, its impact is measured on its capacity to enhance the e-learning set-up for medical education. Achieving user satisfaction is just scratching the surface because beyond that, usability testing also refines the education system for future health care providers and the medical field.

The Pandemic: The Underlying Concern to Usability Testing



Creating user-friendly and UX-based designs for medical devices, products, and services is always a welcome development. It is always better to execute preventive measures than just going all-in and risking money, effort, and most importantly, human lives.

Having a dependable partner in the business is a must when it comes to conducting usability testing procedures. This includes considering the qualification and expertise of the company as well. User Experience Researchers Singapore (USER), Asia’s leading UX research institution, is one of the companies that cater to usability testing. Singapore and China are where we have laboratories to accommodate clients needing user testing or usability testing services.

USER provides a wide range of services such as interactive and visual design, mobile app and website development, digital marketing services, and usability testing. For enquiries or more information, send us a message at