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Photo Credit: Twitter

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter Inc, returned to his former role as CEO four years ago but has recently just received his first salary. Mr. Dorsey has always held himself to high standards in showing his trust and devotion to Twitter by not accepting any salary, bonuses, or stock awards.

However, he will now have a salary, but the amount may surprise you. Disclosed in a regulatory filing on Monday the 8th, Jack Dorsey will now be receiving a salary of $1.40 USD.

It is almost crazy to think that the co-founder of a company that currently has a market cap of over $26 billion dollars, will be paid only 140 cents. The number 140 is significant to Twitter and is the reason why Jack Dorsey will be paid only $1.40.

In its early days, Twitter had a character limits on its tweets of 140 characters. Mr. Dorsey getting paid $1.40 is a homage to the former restriction of Twitter and has been seen as a jest around the Twitter community.  Twitter originally got the number 140 from the maximum amount of character that a mobile text message could contain back in 2006. In 2017, Twitter had increased the character limit to 280 in hopes of attracting more users, but the number will now remain alive in the salary of their co-founder.