Twitter has dominated the world as one of the main social media platforms. But with all this power, they have mainly focused on the mobile app and have left the desktop user experience on hold. Twitter’s website and interface hadn’t been updated in seven years, but there was a beta update released in 2018 but was not well received. So for the 2019 desktop redesign, Twitter’s design team chose to proceed with wariness. Today, the update is now available to everyone and has subtle new and refreshing designs. But how have these updates enhanced the user experience? Well Twitter has decided to enhance the UX, but only a smidge. One of the first things users will notice is that the navigation icons have migrated to the left and the compose box. This makes it easier for users to navigate through the website. Additionally, One can now save your tweets in bookmarks to reference it in the future if needed. This then helps integrate Twitter with the desktop, making the experience nicer than having to copy a link and save it on a separate document. In order to help the user experience for their desktops users that use the platform for information, there is now a new profile button in the left sidebar and it is now customizable. One can change the size of your text, choose a different accent colors, and turn a dark mode. These interactions makes the user happier as it is adapting to trends within technology, allowing Twitter to not fall behind in the social media competition. Overall, Twitter is making improvements to continue to be a top social media platform.