User Experience is always a popular topic in technology. It is known as the emotions and nuances of a person when they use a product, system or service. In fact, it covers practical aspects, experience, efficiency, meaning, and value of human-device interaction, as well as product ownership. User Experience focuses on user insight: what do they need, what do they value, their capabilities and limitations when they use a certain product or website. In other words, User Experience will make sure that users find the core value in what you offer them.

To create a good “user experience” and attract customers’ attention, technology developers need to grasp all of the following:

These criteria work together to provide an optimal experience for end-users.

Once you become a UX expert, you will be able to choose from a wide range of interesting professions that will help you improve and change your future. To do that, you need to learn about information technology, programming skill, UX design and project management skills. Although each field in UX will have several different characteristics, these are all essential and important skills when you start this job.

Next, let’s find out some interesting jobs when you become a good developer.

Firstly, the most familiar aspect for us is user research. When you take on this work, your main role is to understand the habits, demands, and motivation of users. This is done through observation techniques, analysis, and other feedback methods. If you are a User Researcher, you will conduct user guidance and analysis to identify the elements of user experience that need to improve. From that, you have to sum up your ideas to make meaningful suggestions. The next step is to send those ideas to the product design and development team.

The second field of UX is a usability testing analyst. In this field, researchers mainly focus on understanding the user experience when they interact with another software, app, website or other product and service. If you are a usability analyst, you will interact and evaluate what we must do to make a website or a product work well, thereby improving the user experience. Then, you will share your ideas with the UX team. This job is one of the important parts when you are a technologist.

To be successful in this field, besides the ability to research user demands, you will learn information analysis skills, it is called “Information Architect”. The job of an information architect is to organize and design creatively the content of the website or app so that users feel comfortable immediately to use and find what they need. As an information architect, you need to focus not only on the target audience of the website or application but also on the type of product and service that are offered. From that, you will create effective sitemaps and ensure a positive user experience. After that, the UX designer will use your diagram to build and plan a navigation system. Finally, we will have a website or an application platform.

Next, we will learn about another profession in UX, which is an interaction designer. The role of the interactive designer is to focus on designing attractive interfaces with thoughtful behaviors. Secondly, you need to understand how to interact with users and technology. Then you will use this knowledge to predict how users interact with the system, resolve problems early and invent the new methods. When you do this job, you will be the main designer of the active components of the website or application.

The next exciting field is Visual Designer. As a visual designer, you must focus on the aesthetics of a website or application (based on all the new data provided by User Researcher and Usability Analyst) to implement images, colors, fonts, and other image elements. This will help you attract users and help build a trusted brand. And the last skill you have when doing UX is to become a UX Designer. User experience designers are those who prefer to transact in the design process, you will be the one driving the development and communication of user design processes for an assigned project. I think that you will have great skills and develop your job in the future.

To sum up, there are interesting jobs for you if you want to become a professional researcher. Moreover, you can change your future.