A content management system or CMS is a powerful software designed to improve the creation and management of websites and web content. More specifically, it helps users create, organise, store, and manage digital content like databases, audio-visuals, graphics, documents, and even the entire structure of a website through an easy-to-understand interface.

But while a CMS seems easy enough to implement or handle, there are critical factors that must be considered to optimise the benefits of a CMS or find the right platform or content management system service for a company.


Benefits of a CMS  

There are many advantages to using a CMS to run websites. The University of Kansas, for instance, created a custom CMS using Drupal, and highlights convenience with shared resources, ease of management, and being mobile-ready as the primary benefits of their CMS. This also allows greater freedom and control of the CMS development process and the website end product itself.

CMS tools also provide greater dynamism since platforms like WordPress can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device with internet access. This reduces maintenance hassles compared to using static websites which are impractical for organisations with complex websites storing many web pages or large databases.

Lastly, CMS gives enormous flexibility even for non-web developers. Unlike traditional websites, CMS can easily integrate a wide range of functionalities through plug-ins for contact forms, site security, and other functions.



Optimising CMS Benefits  

Despite its various capabilities, a content management system may also have various disadvantages if not effectively utilised. Maintenance, load speed, limited scalability and restricted back-end functionalities are among the probable issues and disadvantages of a CMS. 

Thus, to maximise the benefits of using a CMS, companies must invest and implement necessary measures, such as the following. 

  1. Company Needs

First, a company utilising a CMS must ensure it matches the company’s needs, capabilities, and vision. To do this, the business must decide based on data that confirms their multimedia needs, interface look and feel, and how their content team will work, among other things. From there, decision-makers can choose a CMS with the best features they can use to their advantage. 

  1. Strategic Plans

Second, the selected platform must fit enterprise strategic plans. CMS solutions are only as good as the strategy for which it is used. In the “Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice,” researcher Chris Short noted that an effective CMS is only as good as a company’s overall business plans and targets. He identified internal communication of enterprise strategy, stakeholder approach, customer retention approaches, staff training and KPI measurement tools as critical, integral elements of a well-implemented CMS. All of which are general areas of company operations.

  1. Content Lifecycle Management

Third, proper content lifecycle management, or the ability to repurpose and expunge content, is essential for an effective CMS. Integrating CMS strategy into enterprise planning, ensuring effective workflow of content creation and revision, secure storage of data and filing, and archiving of content are steps necessary to assure quality release of materials for publication.  

  1. Security

Fourth, with escalating concerns over web security, an effective CMS must periodically and consistently be ensured protection against data breaches, cyberattacks, and intrusion into private information. CMS maintenance staff must update the platform’s security patches regularly to also meet compliance standards. 

  1. Customer Feedback

Lastly, since CMS is part of an overall marketing or commercial strategy, customer feedback should be duly noted. This entails a commitment to improving the customer experience. According to a study by Gartner, 89% of respondents they surveyed said that their basis for competition is customer experience. Therefore, providing meaningful, personalised services and experiences should be shaped by engaging customers or clients, and knowing their needs and wants.   


A CMS provides various advantages for any enterprise. But to experience its benefits in full, the company using it should strive for technical competence with the platform, proper enterprise planning, be systematic with content lifecycle management, conduct periodic security assessments and continual understanding of user needs.  

To do this, it’s important to contract a CMS solutions expert or firm that can determine the right CMS and CMS features for your company.  One such content management system company is User Experience Researchers Singapore (USER), a Singapore-based firm with expertise in CMS, web and app development, as well as digital marketing and research. Visit our website to know more about our services or enquire at https://www.user.com.sg/contact/.