These days, businesses need to ensure that they’ll stand out online to keep up with the demand of the ever-changing business landscape. They need to involve more people to help them come up with an outstanding UI UX design to provide the best user experience for their clients. But the thing is, not all business owners have an understanding of the differences between UI and UX designs.

Any reliable UI UX design company knows that user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are two different entities. UI focuses more on the appeal of the website and apps, while UX deals with the overall effect of the design on the users. To further understand the differences between the two, here is everything that business owners need to know.

What is UI?

UI is the element in the design that users usually interact with to take advantage of a product or service offered by a website. It is often where the users and the machines interact. The UI also lets the users operate their devices to complete a task like purchasing a product or running an app.


What is UX?

UX primarily deals with the overall experience that a person gets as they interact with the product. The experts from a UX design agency work hard on creating products that are easy to understand and delivers a valuable experience to the end users. These specialists follow the user journey to provide the latter with everything that they need every step of the way.


Differences Between UI and UX Designs

There are plenty of major differences between UI and UX designs. It includes:

Focus – Clients would see one of the biggest differences in the roles of UI and UX designers by how they use prototyping when designing a website or an app. Plenty of UI designers want to use the prototype as a hi-fi model, while UX designers are more determined to focus on the design’s logic than its fidelity.

UI/UX design agencies usually present the prototypes made by UI designers to their clients, while the prototypes created by UX designers are usually presented to the programmers.

Colors – Most of the time, UI designers create prototypes in full color. Meanwhile, UX designers often develop design prototypes in three colors, particularly white, gray, and black. These differences in the design are evident in creating and utilising icons.

For example, UI designers ensure that all icons look as realistic and genuine as possible. They also focus on choosing the color of a button before and after the users click it. Meanwhile, the UX designers would spend more time strategising where they would insert the button, then put on a note for the programmer, like changing the icon to gray after the user clicks on it.

Tools –  All agencies offering user experience design services include the use of different tools in their packages. For the UI design specialists, tools for designing images are crucial to their tasks. Some of the most common UI tools used include Sketch, InVision, and Flinto.

On the other hand, UX designers need tools to help them save time and effort when designing the website. Some of their most preferred UX tools nowadays include UX Pin, Axure, and MockPlus. They also need tools to help them keep track of the website analytics.


After learning all the differences between UI and UX designs, business owners will realise that UX design principles are more analytical and UI designs are more involved in aesthetics.

If the business owner decides to hire an agency to handle their UI and UX design needs, they should consider looking for experts that are always on top of both fields’ latest theories and practices. They must also offer the best tools and technologies to help them achieve their goals as fast as possible.

USER, a leading UI UX design agency, has a reputation for providing the best tools and expertise in creating an attractive user experience and visually-appealing online products. All our projects are skillfully created using compelling UI design and UX research that matches the clients’ needs. To understand more about our extensive services, you can reach out through