How did COVID-19 Speed Up Digital Transformation?


Many lifestyle changes happened all over the world when the COVID-19 pandemic struck society unaware. Almost immediately, nations started to restrict face-to-face business transactions, prohibited social gatherings and encouraged workers to shift to a work-from-home setup. Since a great number of transactions are happening online now, investing in digital transformation strategy consulting has become a MUST to keep up with the demand.

Digging deeper into how digital implements affect industries will help business owners understand how their company can adapt. They need to learn more about the current digital transformation trends to thrive even amid trying times. Here are some of the biggest changes that happened in today’s business landscape.



#1: Paying More Attention to Employees and User Experiences with Today’s Technology

As governments everywhere imposed lockdowns, employees started working from their homes. Companies, on the other hand, needed to attend to the various concerns of their employees when using various digital facilities to continue operations. Business owners must not presume that their staff will improve with what is currently available. Flexibility in the workplace may no longer apply to employees when such prohibitions are in place. Businesses in all industries must adapt to creating a virtual work setting by consulting with a reliable UI UX design company. It will also help them understand the relevance of user experience for all industries.

Organizations are also facing challenges to thrive as obstacles to productivity. High turnover rates are common due to low employee satisfaction. Decision-makers must also do everything to avoid hiring new regular employees, which cost higher in the long run due to the required training time and learning curve. The same is true in keeping regular customers and clients.

Research from Qualtrics and PwC published in December 2020 revealed that 95% of IT bosses mentioned that they have intensified the number of times they listen to feedback from their employees since the beginning of the pandemic. The study also found out that over 65% of the IT executives who answered the poll claimed that approximately 25% of their workers want to continue remote work even after the end of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, another report from Vector ITC revealed that more companies provide key user experiences when developing new products or services. The post-pandemic landscape saw the need for different UX methodologies like usability research to come up with the right strategies for their next project while the current restrictions begin to relax.



#2: Rise of Telehealth

People have become more concerned about their health and well-being since the beginning of the pandemic, but most of them chose to stay away from hospitals and clinics to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. As a result, many “telehealth” services were developed and thrived during the pandemic.

A survey from Sykes revealed that 75% of its respondents have no idea what telehealth services are. But a whopping 66% of them revealed that they’re willing to spend for distance care. The public’s awareness and their enthusiasm to invest in these healthcare services significantly boosted the demand. Today’s healthcare facilities must take advantage of digital transformation to reach their target market and raise awareness about their services.

For example, healthcare providers can ask app development agencies to help them develop their flagship telehealth app or other services. They must also ensure that every patient can easily access these services, no matter where they are.



#3: Remote Learning Surge

Education is also an important driving force in digital transformation. In many places where mobility is still restricted, classes from primary to college-level learners are continuously taking place online. BusinessWire revealed that from $176.12 billion in 2017, the e-learning market is expected to grow up to $398.15 billion worldwide by 2026.

Aside from online classes, other forms of learning like corporate training, virtual conferences, and remote business symposia are also going bigger online. It is the current trend in many organizations to help their staff remain educated and updated despite public mobility challenges.


Gearing Towards Digital Transformation

If you are running a business, then don’t leave it until later before you start asking yourself when to begin brewing digital transformation strategies in your company. It starts with formulating ways to achieve business goals with the latest tools that can make the journey easier and more profitable. Getting in touch with experts in digital transformation will help you thrive even during periods of crisis.

Working with experts in digital transformation trends can be an effective strategy as it helped many companies at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can let trustworthy specialists handle this job, such as the highly knowledgeable professionals from User Experience Researchers Singapore (USER), who can provide you with the most suitable services that leverage the power of technology. Our expertise includes the best UI and UX design, user research, usability testing, and web design service Singapore has to offer. Get in touch by sending your inquiries to today.