A UX designer and UX researcher work together for the sake of good user experience. Despite being in the same field, these two job titles are totally different from each other. Know their differences and how they contribute to the way digital products are built through some key points:


The Advantages of Research-Proficient UX Designers

Additionally, a UI designer can also benefit from the UX researchers’ data. By using the data, they can formulate an effective interface design based on validation processes. Tests can be done such as the first click test, where testers evaluate which areas of an app or website will participants most likely click or which button attracts them the most at the first sight.

How about career shifters, such as UX researchers jumping to the designer side, or designers who have an in-depth knowledge of research? What are the benefits of having designers who know the fundamentals of research?



Opportunities from Knowledge

  1. Designers with research knowledge can have more job opportunities. Being a master in design alone is good, and so for those in research. But knowing both gives one an edge in terms of work opportunities, especially with the fact that some companies require a UX designer to have an understanding of research processes.
  2. They can catch up with things faster. A UI UX designer who knows how to use research data efficiently is capable of piecing things together better than pure execution-oriented designers. Such designers are also not prone to being left behind, as it is also possible when everything is fast-paced.
  3. Knowledgeable designers also tend to avoid conflict and cooperate, thereby saving time. No one understands research findings and data better than the researchers or analysts themselves. Thus, if the designer is also proficient in analysing research works, things will surely be easier as conflicts and misinterpretations will be avoided, hence speeding up the process.


What’s Discrete Should Remain Discrete


What’s Discrete Should Remain Discrete

Knowing how to make an interface design is good, but understanding why and how it is also effective in the perspective of the users from a researcher’s point of view, deserves to be called versatile. In line with this are the benefits they can give to their organisation. To keep the roles distinct and the designers focused however, it may still be best to draw a line between UX researchers and UX designers.

To sum up, knowledge is indeed power especially for those who want flexible career options. Having a partner design agency can even be better. For companies seeking an expert UI UX designer, Singapore agency User Experience Researchers Singapore (USER) is a great choice. We can offer specific experts for your website or mobile app, such as an iOS or Android UI designer, or a dedicated development team. Learn more about our services today.