USER Recognizes Excellence with the U Awards for 2020

Every year, USER acknowledges the contributions of its team members. This year, four exemplary employees were given due recognition for their brilliant performance and representation of the company’s four pillars of the core values, namely, Unity, Service, Excellence, and Responsibility, or formally tagged as the ‘U Awards’.

The award recipients were announced on the 18th day of December during the 2020 USER Year-End Party.


The Unity Award

The 2020 Unity award was claimed by Nguyen Le Van Anh (Cap), one of the company’s best Android developers. The award was enunciated by Vietnam-based HR/Admin Manager Tran Thanh Minh (Moon). Cap was given the citation for his undeniable drive to unite his teammates through harmonious work, effective communication, and collaborative efforts.

“He is good at connecting people, has an optimistic attitude, and always motivating others to build up team spirit. Most of the Vietnam team are made up of developers like him and they look up to him with respect, as he professionally guides and teaches them technical and soft skills,” said Moon.

Upon receiving the award, Cap thanked the company and his colleagues. “I think everyone deserves praise after a challenging work. I want to thank my boss for the opportunity and trust, and my colleagues for their unceasing support. I hope we can grow our company as we grow stronger together,” said Cap.


The Service Award

Accounts Manager Jasmin Lansang named Video Analysis Team Lead Santiago Celestial as the recipient of the Service award.

“Santi as we call him, truly put his heart to his work. He shows initiative, commitment, and selflessness with a cheerful spirit. He is always open to share his knowledge, talent, and time to those who need his capabilities. Santi helped the account grow right from the beginning, since Wave 1, up to now that we have reached Wave 7 in less than six months,” Lansang says of Celestial’s achievement.

For Celestial, it’s an honor to receive the award. “For me, it also makes me more confident in my job, and more eager to do more for the company. All thanks to my co-workers who helped me get to where I am, and to the company for coaching and training me. With that, I can now pass on helpful knowledge, too, with my ability to lead a team,” he says.


The Excellence Award

USER Singapore’s Head of UX Solutions Manan Mahasyah named UX Researcher Fang Ning Lim as the rightful recipient of the Excellence award. He praises her unparalleled distinction at work and contributions to the quality of service for innovation and digital transformation.

“She’s self-driven and highly supportive. Fang Ning is the kind of person who will follow through and makes sure she understands every step needed to be done, and ensure that plan is executed properly,” Manan says.

“I’m pleasantly surprised and grateful for the award,” Fang Ning says. “Since I started working here, I’ve always been offered help and welcomed with genuine warmth. It truly is a pleasure working at USER since day one,” she adds.


The Responsibility Award

Commitment to responsibilities and accountability is highly prized at USER. For this award, Finance and Accounting Head Hui Jun Ng of Singapore office gave the honor to Digital Marketing Lead Diana Alarcon.

She cited the recipient’s outstanding management and leadership skills, as well as her sense of accountability branching out to teammates that led to their organized and well-coordinated work. “Diana and her team improved our brand image and we believe she can help us gain a better financial position in the coming years,” Hui Jun added.

For Alarcon, it was a flattering experience that gives credit to her whole team. “I still find it unbelievable, as I only aimed to drive sales by adapting different strategies. When my name was called, I believe it reflected my entire team’s performance. The award might be given unto me but I would like to credit the entire team – Steph, Ryan, Marvic, Marjorie, Edison, the Sales department, and our contributors. They’re the backbone of our Digital Marketing,” she said.


A History of Appreciation

USER Experience Researchers Singapore (USER) has always recognized the talent and commendable contributions of its employees. Previously, USER had named the Best Employee or Best Team during the annual Year-End Party-slash-overseas corporate team building.

In 2020, the company decided to upgrade this annual recognition event, summarily changing the theme into the “U Awards,” representing the company’s core values.

USER, a professional strategy consulting agency, is pleased to serve its clients through User Research, UI/UX Design, Usability Testing, Website Design & Mobile App Development, and Digital Market Research. The organization also prides itself in empowering its associates and teams with internal training, coaching, and growth supervision to ensure continuous development as professionals.