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Today’s businesses are clamoring to find the best digital solutions to address the growing demand of customers. The 2021 Digital Consumer Report from McKinsey revealed that while plenty of businesses invested in digital upgrades during the pandemic, it does not mean their new capabilities are already the highest standard in the market. There are a lot of factors to consider and one of those is planning CMS development should be their top priority.

The same report suggested that while most industries across the globe experienced approximately 20% growth in the number of digital users from late 2020 up to April 2021, the increasing speed of digitalisation can pose a huge threat for businesses with only basic digital presence. Thus, having a groundbreaking CMS system in place is crucial if companies want a breakthrough in 2022 and beyond.

If your company wants to be a step ahead in solving challenges in your digital transformation journey, learn about how CMS solutions can solve these obstacles to your success.

Challenge #1: How CMS Makes Publishing and Editing More Convenient

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Most businesses invest in content management system solutions to simplify running and maintaining a business website. But some CMS tools can be intimidating to use due to their complex features. Others find themselves experiencing problems with their chosen platform due to the following reasons:

To avoid these problems, finding CMS solutions with features such as modular content can help solve the problem. Modular content can let the content team create and publish any content once, then publish it in different channels that are frequently visited by your target audience. As a result, it will help you reach them faster and allow you to create and reuse content in the future.

Challenge #2: Stubborn Data Modeling and Workflows

A lot of businesses choose to re-platform their websites using different types of new CMS solutions, only to realise their new system is not as customisable or easy to use as they initially believed it would be.

If you’re looking for seamless custom workflow creation, you must invest in an extensible and flexible CMS providing every feature you need. In addition, it must help you identify the factors containing the content type you plan to post. You must remember to keep it in mind as a key factor to consider when looking for a trustworthy web design team.

Challenge #3: Cybersecurity Threats

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A recent poll conducted by The Pearson Institute, and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research revealed that approximately nine in ten Americans are growing concerned about cyber attacks.

In addition, the respondents are concerned about unauthorised access to their personal information, bank details, or other confidential facts. Businesses owners are also worried about compromising their cybersecurity when thinking of web development projects.

Fortunately, some digital solutions agencies can create customised security features for your content management system. Singapore is an IT hub you might want to check out for competitive IT companies that offer best-value CMS customisation services.

Key Takeaway

As time passes, businesses must face any challenges that can affect their website content management strategies. Having a custom CMS platform is your key solution to meeting these challenges head-on, and a reliable CMS development agency is your best partner for this project.

When it comes to CMS solutions, User Experience Researchers, a leading digital transformation strategy consulting agency, can provide the most appropriate solutions for your CMS needs. We’re a Singapore-based company with more than 10 years of delivering digital solutions for some of the world’s top companies. You can send us a message at to know more about our services.